Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The continued tale of Miss S.Icknote...................

The class I teach in the evening is quite prescriptive at present e.g. 5.30pm to 8.30pm at C Block, using the industrial machines for constructing samples and a garment, using set procedures and guidelines. For Health and Safety reasons the location (where the industrial machines are located)cannot be changed.
To help M.S.I. to catch-up I would offer extra tuition during a class I co-teach on a Friday morning in the construction room. She may feel more comfortable with a peer or student mentor which would be another alternative. Hopefully this one-one time would boost her confidence and ignite some interest and enthusiasm for the subject.
I would be happy to introduce a DVD or another type of visual recording of the course material for her to replay at her leisure. This would be similar to the Ipod/Utube postings made by the catering tutors.
To help with the language barrier I would ask that written class notes be translated into her native tongue.
I have a few books I would encourage M.S.I. to read:-
Shaeffer, Claire B. (2001) Sewing for the Apparel Industry Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Readers Digest Step by Step Guide to Sewing.
Vogue/Butterick Step by Step Guide to Sewing Techniques.
To help with the culture shock and homesickness I would encourage M.S.I. to contact Student Services.
Lastly I would like to introduce a class blog to be used as a platform for the class material, any reading resources and ideally some Utube and web page links. All class members would be set the task of sending comments and questions to each other thus creating a class network which would include M.S.I.
The above posting has lots of wishes for the future, with blogs/DVDs/web links/Utube links and maybe even a wiki educator link somewhere, so please let me know if you think these are good ideas before I embark on this adventure?


cyndy mckenzie said...

oh god this flexable learning is intense honey i have to try to get my head around this. xs cyn

Leigh Blackall said...

Interesting sollutions you've come up with there Tracy. I'd say with all that extra learning resource, every student could benefit. Your challenge now is to justify the expense of teh development of these resources, or find existing resources.

An example regarding translation.. Wikipedia has an entry for sewing machine. If you look down the left side menu there are different language versions of that entry. Not all those language versions will be the same as the English version however, as they are edited by different people with different motivations.. but it could be a start. I wonder how many entries there are for all the different type of information you refer to in your course? If you find a page in English, but there isn't one in the language you need, my suggestion would be to contact the people of that language group who have been editing related pages and ask them to do the pages you need. They might do it for free, or you could contract them to do it. It nearly always turns out MUCH cheaper and quicker. As always, Wikipedia entries have valuable links out to other information like learning resources.

Similar to Wikipedia is Wikiversity. It is to teaching materials what wikipedia is to encyclopedia entries. Its much younger than Wikiepdia, but already there are multiple language versions being developed. If you loaded your "lesson plans" to Wikiversity, you might see them being translated! You might have to do a bit of networking initially. I could help.

This is just one way to efficiently achieve what would otherwise be a difficult and expensive thing to do. Imagine your course materials available in multiple languages! Next step is to offer assessmnet in multiple languages.. We are slowly doing this for the flexible learning course...

tracey nash said...

I'm slowly dipping into the vast wiki/google world. It's mind blowing how much info is out there.
thanks for the tips.

Bronwyn hegarty said...

yes as I predicted you did come up with lots of great solutions to help Miss S. My one reservation is that if she is partying hard with her friends, a Friday morning option might not be a goer. However the option of a peer mentor sounds like a great one.

All your other suggestions are also good - providing multimedia resources and suggestions for reading. You may already know this but a couple of your colleagues created videos of practical skills in Fashion. Bibiana did a video about using a knitting machine and Tania Allan-Ross also did something but I cannot access her blog anymore so not sure what it was about.

Great info from leigh about language conversion on wiki platforms.

Do have a think about my suggestions on your previous post re assessments and intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.